Tiki Tantrum: The Mind of Me

Friday, April 13, 2007

Ending and Beginning...

Current State: Somewhere in the middle
Mood: Curious
Listening to: Gum Snapping
Last Meal: BLT and diet coke
Last Kiss: 2 mins ago:)
So last night Bob came and surprised me but Grace and I already had plans to go celebrate her last day ever of school!! So the plan was to go to starbucks, pick up my sweet package from my Fa-ja and Ma-ja then go to IKEA. So Bob tried to get me to stay at home till her got there so he said he wanted to have a movie date with me, and that I had to be home so that we could watch this sweet show. So then he calls me and say that he messed up the time and it started at 500 and that I should wait to hang out with Grace till after the movie. But because Grace and I had the plans we did we made Bob come with us. We found some stuffed dog toys shaped like shoes...randomly hanging (see above). Then we spent the rest of the time talking about what we all wanted to have in our houses, racing around of trollies, eatting cinnaminbuns, fight of china patterns and trying to find the car. The next adventure was to grab some grub and head over the the Dutch Den to watch the Passion of the Christ with Tim, Leah and Kevin in their basement on the projector. It was pretty sweet and we had a pre-movie game of step back, and 500 up Frisbee style. Leah did a sweet mud slid and as much as it pains me to admit Bob won 500 up. The movie was great, before bed talks even better. Over all it was a pretty good day:) It is hard cause we are in a transition time. We are trying to hang out with friends before Bob and I are homeward bound on our "DRIVE ACROSS CANADA" and Grace goes to Vancouver Island. I am so pumped about going home and what God holds for us this summer but it is starting to hit me that this life that I have built here, all the friends, jobs, our church and young adults and bible study groups and just the awesome memories in general will soon be gone. This apartment has become my home and these people my family...especially Grace...I pause for a moment and reminisce...but then the movie from last night hits me again...Keep moving forward. I am going to dearly miss the life that has become so familiar and so good, but I know that which change come growth and growth comes new life...it is exciting and scary all at the same time. Awww life:)


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