Tiki Tantrum: The Mind of Me

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mood: Inspired
What I'm Listening to: Amy Seeley
Quote of the day: "This wasn't very thought through was it...Master?" - evil minion
Last meal: mound of popcorn and diet coke
Hey Everybody,
Long time no talk! I have decided to just blog more, I have so much to say and would love to share it with the masses but alas..something always stops me. Perhaps it is because before I wanted to get everyone caught up on what I was doing but I didnt know where to start cause there was just so much that has been happening... so I got overwhelmed at the thought of all the memories that I had to share which started a cycle of self-defeating procrastination. So I have decided to start today...with what happened that was awesome...and lead to the new perspective that makes me want to blog in the first place. Now I am just talking in circles so I might as well just fill you in on what I mean. Grace my beautiful roommate and I decided to take a study break (Grace has a final tomorrow) and go to a movie. It turned out to be one of the best Movies I have ever seen. And what is this awesomeness you ask? Meet the Robinson's. Two thumbs up! It was funny, quotable, entertaining and had a great heart warming and inspiring message. The quote that really hit me was "Keep Moving Forward" In every failure and tuff situation you need to take it as a learning experience and know that you'll learn and grow so much more from failures then from successes. It is good to learn from the past but you need to "Keep Moving Forward." Hence starting the blog today and not worrying about all the other awesome stuff that I haven't talked about yet. Well, that's all I have for now...if you havent seen it, go see the movie cause it is just one of the good ones!



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