Tiki Tantrum: The Mind of Me

Monday, May 31, 2010

Grace Morrison!
I resent the effort that went into that and you really suck!

See Below:
Click to see why Grace sucks!

In Response:
Click to see how I respond!

Well I guess I should explain. I have taken a break from my break from blogging in order to stick it to the man.... Grace "Anne with an e" Morrison specifically. She has of late been inspired by the world of blog and this has, no doubt, rekindeled her passion for sending her opinions and specific life perspective out into the void of cyberspace. She wanted me to read her blog and repeatedly asked me (for the better part of 20 mins as she got ready for work) to do so.  I teased her for asking me if I had read it yet, when she herself had only posted it 5 minutes before.  My ultimatum, after she called me "stupid" for not doing as she had asked, was that I would not read her blog until I had confirmation that she had posted what she thought of my intellect on her blog. The link to her blog was her response to my ultimatum and this was my response to her response.

Friday, April 13, 2007

Ending and Beginning...

Current State: Somewhere in the middle
Mood: Curious
Listening to: Gum Snapping
Last Meal: BLT and diet coke
Last Kiss: 2 mins ago:)
So last night Bob came and surprised me but Grace and I already had plans to go celebrate her last day ever of school!! So the plan was to go to starbucks, pick up my sweet package from my Fa-ja and Ma-ja then go to IKEA. So Bob tried to get me to stay at home till her got there so he said he wanted to have a movie date with me, and that I had to be home so that we could watch this sweet show. So then he calls me and say that he messed up the time and it started at 500 and that I should wait to hang out with Grace till after the movie. But because Grace and I had the plans we did we made Bob come with us. We found some stuffed dog toys shaped like shoes...randomly hanging (see above). Then we spent the rest of the time talking about what we all wanted to have in our houses, racing around of trollies, eatting cinnaminbuns, fight of china patterns and trying to find the car. The next adventure was to grab some grub and head over the the Dutch Den to watch the Passion of the Christ with Tim, Leah and Kevin in their basement on the projector. It was pretty sweet and we had a pre-movie game of step back, and 500 up Frisbee style. Leah did a sweet mud slid and as much as it pains me to admit Bob won 500 up. The movie was great, before bed talks even better. Over all it was a pretty good day:) It is hard cause we are in a transition time. We are trying to hang out with friends before Bob and I are homeward bound on our "DRIVE ACROSS CANADA" and Grace goes to Vancouver Island. I am so pumped about going home and what God holds for us this summer but it is starting to hit me that this life that I have built here, all the friends, jobs, our church and young adults and bible study groups and just the awesome memories in general will soon be gone. This apartment has become my home and these people my family...especially Grace...I pause for a moment and reminisce...but then the movie from last night hits me again...Keep moving forward. I am going to dearly miss the life that has become so familiar and so good, but I know that which change come growth and growth comes new life...it is exciting and scary all at the same time. Awww life:)

Thursday, April 12, 2007

Mood: Inspired
What I'm Listening to: Amy Seeley
Quote of the day: "This wasn't very thought through was it...Master?" - evil minion
Last meal: mound of popcorn and diet coke
Hey Everybody,
Long time no talk! I have decided to just blog more, I have so much to say and would love to share it with the masses but alas..something always stops me. Perhaps it is because before I wanted to get everyone caught up on what I was doing but I didnt know where to start cause there was just so much that has been happening... so I got overwhelmed at the thought of all the memories that I had to share which started a cycle of self-defeating procrastination. So I have decided to start today...with what happened that was awesome...and lead to the new perspective that makes me want to blog in the first place. Now I am just talking in circles so I might as well just fill you in on what I mean. Grace my beautiful roommate and I decided to take a study break (Grace has a final tomorrow) and go to a movie. It turned out to be one of the best Movies I have ever seen. And what is this awesomeness you ask? Meet the Robinson's. Two thumbs up! It was funny, quotable, entertaining and had a great heart warming and inspiring message. The quote that really hit me was "Keep Moving Forward" In every failure and tuff situation you need to take it as a learning experience and know that you'll learn and grow so much more from failures then from successes. It is good to learn from the past but you need to "Keep Moving Forward." Hence starting the blog today and not worrying about all the other awesome stuff that I haven't talked about yet. Well, that's all I have for now...if you havent seen it, go see the movie cause it is just one of the good ones!


Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hey Everybody,
Here are some pictures from Christmas. It was so awesome to be home!! I got to see so many people and I realized all over again why I Love and Miss my family so much. In the photos you will find pitures of my family, cousins, aunts, uncles, brothers, sister, mom and dad. Then there are lots of sparky and I and a bunch with me and the Sanderson rug rats! Life at Christmas:)Ahhh the memeories!

Friday, November 03, 2006

Friday, September 22, 2006

Pictures of me!!!!

Amber Fee (one of my best freinds from out west) took some pictures of me and I wanted to share them!! So here they are:) They are all at Brackly beach on PEI on a day that we decided to go picture crazy and took 1000 pictures of her and me and us together. Here are some of my favorites and I will put some more cool ones on later. Pictures include Jess holding hat on, Jess doing a hand stand (8 seconds I was impressed) Jess jumping into surf, Jess spinning and Jess possing with the iPOD turns jamming in the back ground! Till next time!:)

Thursday, August 10, 2006

Pic for Profile

Ok so I want to have a pic on my profile but I have no idea how to do it. If anyone knows of an easier way to do it please let me know. Thanks:)

Hello Everybody!
Second post, where to start...well I am presently working at a camp on PEI called Camp Segunakadeck (Seggie for short). The name means little acorn, which is slightly odd cause there are no oak trees on our property. It is a small camp surrounded by water on three sides, right on the ocean. Our beach is really nice and when the tide goes out we can walk all the way out to Sainte Peters Island about a mile from the sore. It is so awesome here. Sometimes I just stand in our back field and drink it in. I wish I could paint you a picture. My favorite time is when the sun is shining just the right way and it makes the ocean sparkle like the water was made of millions of Diamonds . It is hard to describe what it looks like but there is this contrast between the blue blue water and the neon of the sea grass that sticks out when the tide starts to get low. Then add warm sun and cool sea breeze that cause white caps to form, the smell of the marsh flowers, the sound of kids laughing & screaming in the background, lots of friends, and lots fun! With all of that you can't deny that God is good and just stand in awe of His creation! That is just one reason Camp Seggie is awesome!! Here are some pictures from this week just random but kinda show what I mean…it is so much better being here! I miss you all. Lots of Love :)